Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hitting the Road

Give me some room to warm up, so I don't strain a blogging muscle.

I will be ending my term as Associate Dean shortly (77 more days!), and I am looking forward to doing more of the things I became a professor to do... Teach, write, think, etc. Part of the "write" plan is to restart this long-dormant blog. So, hopefully people are still interested in economics out there.

I'm writing from Chicago, where I'm meeting some economist friends for another installment of the Roadside MBA. We're making a circuit from Chicago to Cincinnati this week, talking to small and medium sized businesses all along the way. There will probably be a book written sometime, but first I need to get back to the whole "write" thing. (See above). I'll post some notes as we go along this week to try to slowly ease my way back into actual thinking as opposed to being an administrator!


Daniel said...

I've kept this blog bookmarked for the last few years, just in case you started updating again... I'm glad I did.

Scott Schaefer said...

Thanks for your patience!