Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Associate Dean and Canceled Class

As some of you may have noticed, I've recently been appointed the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the David Eccles School of Business.

As others of you have certainly noticed, I've had to cancel Finance 6250 for the Fall Term. This is particularly unfortunate, for a couple of reasons. Reason 1 is that I absolutely love teaching about the economics of organization. Reason 2 is that I made a big song and dance on this blog a while back, trying to get students to take the course.

These two events are, not surprisingly, connected.

Our business school has made great strides over the past few years, but I think we still have significant room for improvement. I've argued before that our state is poised to grow, and, as the state's flagship business school, the DESB needs to be ready to provide the business leadership for that growth. This will require continuing improvements in our faculty, our facilities, and our programs. And it's my job to help Dean Randall figure out how to do it. There's a lot that needs to be done --- and fast.

The reason we canceled Fin 6250 is that I've got to get working on all that other stuff. One of my main objectives will be to improve the quality of our masters' programs, so MBA and PMBA students will still find I'm working on their behalf.

I will still be teaching Fin 6025 and Fin 6026 in the MBA and PMBA programs, but that's mostly because we literally don't have another economist around to staff those core classes. The good news is that we're in the process of stealing a truly outstanding economist away from a top-5 business school --- and the kicker is that he's an incredible teacher too. So look for much expanded econ-related course offerings from the David Eccles School of Business in the near future.

So, my message to students who had been expecting to take Fin 6250 is this: I'm sorry to be unable to teach the class this fall. But I will be investing in the future of your school, and sometimes investments require giving up current consumption.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Scott on the new position. With you and Taylor on the job the school is in good hands.

emba '09

Jason Pratt said...

This couldn't have happened to anyone better -- congratulations. I'm just glad I got to take all of your classes before you got called up for administrative duty.

Scott Schaefer said...

Yeah, well, Taylor and I will need a lot of help from, oh let's see, alumni. So expect a call!

Ryan Rasmussen (PMBA '08) said...

In a more selfish vein, do you think your new position will negatively impact your blog? I've come to depend on it. Congrats to both you and Taylor -- that's great news for the DESB.

Scott Schaefer said...

Hey Ryan --- I'm not sure what that means to "depend" on an economics blog, but I'll guess take it as a compliment? I'm going to try to keep this going.

Tim Hale said...

Sad news on you not teaching the 2nd Econ class, Scott. How about some recommended books for us to continue our learning.


Ryan Rasmussen said...

It's certainly intended as a compliment.