Monday, August 3, 2009

Do Study Groups Matter?

A couple of information items, and then a link.

(1) I'm now an Associate Editor at the Journal of Labor Economics, which is the leading field journal for studies of labor markets and human resource management. Before you get too impressed, the title basically means that I referee a lot of papers for them. (Academic publishing works like this: An author sends a paper to the journal. The journal's editor sends the paper to a referee, who reads the paper and sends some comments along with a publish/don't-publish recommendation back to editor. The editor decides whether to publish the paper or not, and then forwards the comments to the author.)

Anyway, since I'm on the Journal of Labor Economics team, I figured I'd start blogging periodically about interesting papers published in the journal. The July issue just came out, so I'll get to that in a bit.

(2) I'm branching out on you. I'm going to start putting a bit of content on the U's Red Thread blog. As I noted in my recent iPhone post, I've recently developed an interest in the economics of higher ed, so I'll probably put some education-related thoughts there.

My first post there is on the question of whether study groups --- you know, that group of people you meet with to talk over the upcoming marketing exam --- matter for academic achievement.

You can read it here.

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