Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Game Theory Applications

Two game-theory-related items sent in by former students (thanks guys!):

Will the Iranian government develop an A-bomb? They will, if doing so is their best strategy in response to what other actors are doing. Or, in other words, if it's a Nash Equilibrium to develop the bomb.

On a lighter note, game theory seems to be useful for understanding whether the Joker should cooperate with other villains to conquer Batman. I didn't follow all the details, but this seems to be a mathematical proof that the Joker is best off acting alone.

The applications of game theory are indeed endless.


Clarke Harris said...

Speaking of game theory and Iran, their is a great podcast on EconTalk with Bruce Bueno de Mesquita that covers this. Aired 8/11/08. His argument is that Iran's leaders are completely rational and their decision amking process should be viewed through the lens of game theory.

Clarke Harris said...

Speaking on the lighter side of things, I found a quantitative model to survive zombie attacks. I guess it must be really slow for econometricians in Canada these days. This is really good for a few econ related laughs.

Scott Schaefer said...

You don't have to outrun the zombie, you just have to outrun the guy standing next to you.

That's why I try to stand next to Taylor Randall at all times.